What do our staff say about Hillcross?

"Hillcross has a positive, calm, kind and collaborative ethos where children’s learning and well-being can flourish.  I feel very lucky to work at such an outstanding school."

"It is lovely to be a member of staff at Hillcross.  I love coming to work every day as everybody is always very positive.  It is a very fun and happy school, with children who are always persisting.  Everybody is very supportive and always willing to help."

"It is a happy and respectful environment to work in."

"As a school, we always put the children first and aspire to offer amazing learning experiences."

"Our exciting, topic-led curriculum and our thinking school status open the children up to deeper thinking from the time they start with us."

"Our children are wonderful, keen to learn and extremely well-behaved.  There are so many outstanding teachers to learn from, support from a collaborative staff team and the community work together to ensure we have the resources we need to support excellent teaching and learning."


Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936
