Parental Consent
As part of the admissions process when your child joins the school we will ask you to give parental consent in a number of general areas. The information collected will be used for the duration of your child’s time at the school. You can give additional consent or withdraw your consent from specific areas at any time by putting the amendments in writing to the Headteacher.
Local Trips
At Hillcross we aim to make learning practical, fun and interesting for the children. We go on educational trips throughout the school year within the local area such as to the local park, the library or a local shop. Most visits are within walking distance although some may require using public/private transport such as trips to the local cinema or theatre.
We will inform you of any trips we are making before we go but request your general permission to take the children on local trips rather than each time a trip takes place. Please note any trip over 5 Miles from school will require an additional trip consent form and/or consent via your MCAS account.
Use of information and image (including photographs and video recordings)
At Hillcross taking photographs of children learning is one of the ways we collect evidence of what they know and can do. These photographs are used to help inform assessment, record progress and set next step learning targets. In addition, they may be used for in school displays, school publications (such as the newsletter) or on our school website (which is a secure protected site). Occasionally photographs may be used by the Local Education Authority or by local newspapers. Photography or filming will only take place with the permission of the Headteacher, and under appropriate staff supervision. When filming or photography is carried out by the newspapers/media, children will only be named if there is a reason to do so (e.g. they have won a prize), and surnames and home addresses will never be given out.
Before taking any photographs of your child, we need your permission to do so.
You may withdraw your consent at any time and may also highlight if you only wish for photographs to be taken for school usage only. Please note that photography of children is safeguarded by the London Grid for Learning Secure Web Space; Metropolitan Police Website Secure Platform and the Data Protection Act.
Use of Films & Video Clips rated PG:
We like to make use of modern technologies throughout the curriculum and sometimes take the opportunity to use feature films and associated resources for education or enrichment activities. There are occasions when the materials have been classified PG. We ask for your permission to use PG rated films that we deem to be acceptable for the age, maturity and well-being of your child.
Medical Intervention:
We also require your permission to allow us to provide medical intervention if the need arises. In the event of your child being injured or ill, the attending medical team will allow the Headteacher or teacher in charge (with your permission) to consent to medical treatment if there was a delay in parent/carers arrival i.e. parents being unable to travel from their workplace due to a transport delay. This would only happen if the medical team felt that a delay would endanger your child’s health and safety.
Internet Use and Online Safety:
We use a growing range of technology to support the children’s learning across all areas of the curriculum. The internet is a fantastic resource and, in school, teachers will guide pupils towards appropriate materials with inappropriate sites access denied through our safe and secure London Grid for Learning. Outside of school, families bear the same responsibility for such guidance and information is available should you require this on the school website. In order for your child to be allowed access to the internet at school to support their learning, we require your consent.