Communication Channels

We operate a two-way communication approach and encourage parents to speak to their child’s class teacher or a member of the admin team if they have a query or concern in the first instance.  However, we recognise that speaking face to face is not always possible and there are a variety of communication methods available to enable a two way flow of information between the school and parents/carers.   A list of the main forms of communication can be found below:

Face to Face in the morning —There is always a member of staff with a message pad at each of the entrances to the school. Please give them any messages for the class teacher or school office.  These will be passed on immediately and addressed at the relevant staff member's earliest convenience. A member of the Senior Leadership Team is also present in the playground at the beginning of most days for you to talk to. 

Face to Face after school— If you wish to speak with your child’s class teacher personally please do this at the end of the day.  Class teachers and school leaders can be available to meet parents/guardians, by appointment, at the beginning and end of school days to discuss more sensitive concerns. A member of the Senior Leadership Team is also present in the playground at the end of most days for you to talk to. 

Home School Communication Book - All children from reception to year 6 are given a Home School Communication book.  This should be used to support communication between home and school.  Children are expected to have their planners in school every day.  Parents can use the communication book to write notes to staff.  If there is an important message to be read please ensure your child hands their book to the teacher directly at the beginning of the day as staff are not able to check the books on a daily basis.

Email – As a paperless school we recommend that people communicate with us via email.  The best email address to send correspondence to is  Your message will be checked within 24 hours (term time week days only) and will be sent on to the relevant staff member to deal with.  Please remember class teachers do not often have access to their email accounts during the school day.  If the issue is urgent please call the school and speak to a member of staff.

Telephone— If you need to pass on a more sensitive or urgent message please call the main school number on 020 8542 6936.

Website – Our website is the best place to find the most up to date information about all aspects of school life.

My Child At School (MCAS) - Communicating with parents is an important part of school life.  Making sure that parents/carers get the correct information about key dates and activities will be communicated via your MCAS account. Please ensure you provide the school with your current mobile number and email address and we will send you a registration link to set up your account. Payment for school dinners and trips will need to be made via MCAS. 

Letters and Newsletters – We are a paperless school.  All letters will be sent via MCAS. Whole school newsletters are uploaded onto the website half-termly.  This provides key information relating to school activities and current affairs.  Please make sure you read all school letters and newsletters so that you are aware of what is happening in school.

Parents Evenings, Progress Celebration event ( previously named Open Book Night) and School Reports – In the Autumn and Spring term you will have a formal opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher (key worker in EYFS) to discuss your child’s progress.  In the summer term you will receive a written school report. Towards the end of each term you will also have an opportunity to come into school for our Progress Celebration event where you will be able to look through your child's books with them at your leisure. Class teachers are not usually available on these nights, but the children are more than able to talk about their learning in great detail so allow plenty of time! 

Parental Questionnaires and Forums – In addition to the annual parental questionnaire, there are opportunities across the school year to take part in parent forums and/or questionnaires relating to specific school issues. 

Comment Box – This is located in the main school office.  Please write your comments about what is going well and what could be even better.

Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936