Overdue Library Book Procedures

Children visit the school library every week.  If they do not return the book after 2 weeks the following procedures will apply: 

Overdue Book Process

  • You will receive communication via Bromcom/MCAS letting you know that your child has not returned their book.  This will ask you to have a look for the missing book at home, so that your child can return it to the library the following week.  

  • If you believe the book has been returned, or you cannot find it, please let your child’s class teacher/teaching assistant know. 

    • Staff will inform the Library Team so that they can remove the book from their account.  Once this has happened, your child will be able to borrow another book.  Please note the library team all have other roles in school and this may take up to one week.

  • We do not charge for misplaced books, but we do appreciate the donation of a replacement book if families are able to do so (it does not have to be exactly the same book but something similar).

Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936
