How do we approach teaching PSHE at Hillcross?

To ensure that children take risks and meet their potential, we create a safe and supportive learning environment. We do this by having the School Charter/Code of Behaviour (which has 3 rules linking to the UNCRC) as well as class charters for each team. The class charters are drawn up by each  team at the beginning of the school year alongside the class teacher, and are regularly reviewed. See below for an example of a Year 1 (Team Oak) charter and a Year 6 charter (Team Maple). These charters are based on respect and other core values which help us develop into responsible citizens.

Our curriculum is lead by an enquiry approach, whereby children work towards answering an overarching question by the end of each half-term. In order to do this successfully, each lesson will focus on a given question, which will ultimately help them to answer the 'big question' posed.

For example, in Year 2, during the autumn term, their 'big question' is:

Which behaviours cause harm and how can we get help?  

To support the children in answering the above question, each PSHE lesson will focus on one of the following lines of enquiry:

  1. What is hurtful behaviour (including online)? What do I do and whom do I tell if I see or experience hurtful behaviour (including online)?

  2. What is bullying? What different types of bullying are there? How might it feel to be bullied?

  3. What is the difference between happy surprises and secrets?  Which secrets could make you feel uncomfortable or worried?  How and where can I get help if I feel this way?

  4. How can I resist pressure to do something that feels uncomfortable or unsafe?  Who could I ask for help if I felt unsafe or worried and what vocabulary should I use?

  5. Why do we celebrate Black History Month? What would the consequencesbe, if we didn’t celebrate this month? 

Our PSHE curriculum covers these three core themes, which are then each subdivided into three further topics.

Through its three core themes, our PSHE Curriculum covers many important topics, such as Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health, to Economic Wellbeing and Careers, setting out suggested content for each key stage.

The core themes and topics are:

Our curriculum therefore provides a comprehensive programme for each key stage, that fully covers, but is not limited to the statutory requirements. This is because we respond to the needs of our children and incorporate and link to important areas such as: British Values, Equalities, Rights Respecting Schools (RRS), Nurturing Positive Attachments and Emotional Intelligence.

Teachers and leaders will use a variety of teaching methods including the use of circle time, emotional check-ins, designated PSHE lessons, collective worship (assemblies), P4C enquires, invite external agencies in (such as GAV) and active engagement sessions to enable children to develop self-awareness, positive self-esteem and the confidence to: 

  • Feel positive about themselves by having opportunities to show what they can do and how much responsibility they can take. They should be taught that it is ok to make mistakes, as this provides an opportunity for new learning.
  • Participate in the school’s decision-making process, relating it to democratic structures and processes such as councils, parliament, government and voting. At Hillcross, this is supported by democratically voting for the school pupil committee members, eco warriors and in a range of other ways.
  • Make decisions about their own lifestyle and well-being, such as food, smoking, use of scarce resources, spending money and contributing to charities.
  • Understand different relationships and the different roles within these relationships.
  • Develop relationships through work and play.
  • Consider the social and moral dilemmas that they come across in life, including online safety. Children should understand the impact of fake news, trolling and how permanent and destructive comments they (or others) make online.
  • Take responsibility for looking after the school environment and local community. Children should consider the needs of others, acting as a peer supporter, identifying safe, healthy and sustainable means of travel planfor their journey to school. They should also protect the environment by picking litter up, switching lights and electrical equipment off to save energy, raising money for charities, amongst other important initiatives.We support children in becoming global citizens through Rights Respecting School and the Malawi Project. Children also engage in weekly Picture News sessions which support the P.S.H.E curriculum amongst others.
  • Find information and advice.
  • Prepare for change now and in their future lives

Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936