Habits of Mind (HOMs)

Habits of Mind (HOM)

Our Year 1 to Year 6 whole school reward system links to the 6 focus Habits of Mind chosen by the school community.  Habits of Mind are a set of 16 problem-solving, life-related skills developed by Art Costa, that promote positive thinking. By teaching the Habits of Mind, children will be more able to use these behaviours when they are faced with uncertain or challenging situations. Focusing on the Habits of Mind will help the whole school community to develop into thoughtful, compassionate, and cooperative learners who can thrive in school and the outside world.

Introducing and Getting to know the Habits

Each ‘habit’ was launched via a whole school assembly or event (role play assembly/film clips/image presentations).  All adults promoted each new habit during the launch weeks in a variety of ways.  In class, children engage in explicit lessons to help them fully understand the Habit of Mind and know what it might look like in day to day life.

All members of the school community refer to one of 6 habits of mind (including the administration team, Midday Play Leaders and the Site Manager) in their specific praise of the children and verbally award children when they are seen to be using a specific Habits of Mind. As we continue our commitment to being a Thinking School, we have now moved to looking at intrinsic motivation.   Encouraging the children to show these Habits of Mind as part of their desire and want to develop as confident and life long learners. The Habits will be there throughout our lives and wont ever be met or archived as an end goal, more as a tool in all aspects of our life-long journey.

Next Steps

We make reference to all other habits that link either to a relevant class topic or issue as appropriate.  Over time we will change/add to the Habits of Mind that we focus on so that children can become familiar with all 16 over time. 


Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936
