Spring 1

Week 5

This week, we celebrated our amazing suspense stories by turning the lights off and sharing them with each other- a truly spooktacular event! To recognise Children's Mental Health Week 2025, we practised mindfulness and thought about techniques we enjoy to fill our bucket. As physicists, we applied our fair testing lens to investigate shadows and opaque objects.

Week 4

Applying our 'Habit of Mind' - Creating, Imagining and Innovating, we used our knowledge of light travels in straight lines to create periscopes. This helped us make links with our learning about World War 1- soldiers using periscopes in the trenches. As writers, we gave feedback to each other about our suspense stories, linking to our success criteria. In maths, we worked collaboratively to measure and calculate missing angles in polygons.

Week 3

As artists, we explored a range of tone using different media. Striving for accuracy, we used protractors to measure different angles. We watched a short animation and discussed how to build suspense in English; children then sequenced events that will support their independent writing.


Week 2

As physicists, we applied our 'Problem Solving' science lens to explore light travelling in straight lines. As mathematicians, we have continued exploring a range structures and applied them to different maths contexts. Striving for accuracy, we fed back to each others World War 1 diary entries.

Week 1

This week, we took part in an immersive World War 1 experience. As historians, we studied primary and secondary sources, including real artefacts from this period in history. We learnt about gas attacks, life in the trenches, casualty stations and No Man's Land. With our blue hats, we reflected on the causes of the war and how this led, unfortunately, to World War 2, which we will be looking at more closely in our history learning this half term.


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Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936
