Autumn 2
Week 7
As athletes, we have been learning skills and techniques used in Tag Rugby. We have practised our line formation and developed our throwing and catching skills. This week, we worked collaboratively to compete in our Intra-House Competition. As artists, we mastered our techniques of shading and sketched Christ the Redeemer. We then completed our final piece of our landscape paintings, inspired by Richard Wawro.
Week 6
As biologists, Year 6 have been carrying out an investigation to see which conditions are better for microorganisms to spread. Children worked in partners to devise their own experiment, creating an enquiry question that they would like to investigate. Across the week, children have worked scientifically to observe and record their findings. As artists, children have used palette knives and paint to create their background for their landscape painting, focusing on tints and shades. As writers, we have been writing in the style of David Attenborough to create an information text about our sprite.
Week 5
This week, as biologists, we explored our allotment area to collect samples of different plants. This then allowed us to sort and classify these. Applying our knowledge of percentages, we used 10% and 5% to calculate other percentages. Using our green hats, we created our own microorganisms after learning about viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Week 4
Year 6 had a fantastic start to the week with a trip to The National Gallery in London. As artists, children practised their observational sketches of famous portrait and landscape paintings. As writers, children have written their own traditional tale, inspired by Rudyard Kipling's 'Just So' stories.
Week 3
As writers, we have successfully learnt our Text Map for the beginning and build up of the Just So story: 'How the Camel got its Hump'. We are now ready to innovate the story using our 'Writing Rainbow' lenses and create our own versions.
Year 6 also had a special online learning session with the National Gallery. This gave children the opportunity to learn all about this historic building. Applying past knowledge, they made links to learning in Year 5 about Ancient Greece, identifying the types of column used in the architecture. As biologists, we classified different arthropods.
Week 2
After collecting ideas, drafting and editing our own free verse poems, we performed to our teams, taking into consideration expression and volume. In maths, we have been looking at different representations to compare and multiply fractions.
Week 1
As mathematicians, we have been adding and subtracting related fractions. In geography, we were challenged to draw the countries in South America from memory and then again at the end of the lesson after learning about the size, location and scale of the continent. In Science, we worked collaboratively to classify organisms.