Autumn Term 2
Autumn 2 Week 6
In music, we have composed a layered rhythm and tune to create a melody. Using secondary sources, we have learnt white hat facts about the eight different planets and created information cards.
Autumn 2 Week 5
As artists, we built on our knowledge of primary and secondary colours to learn about colour mixing and create tertiary colours. In RE, we have continued to explore the religion of Islam, focusing on the impact of the Five Pillars on a Muslim's daily life. During our Maths lessons, we explored negative numbers and how this learning applies to real-life situations, including car parks, temperature, and money.
Autumn 2 Week 4
In line with our Hillcross values of 'Aspiration and Collaboration,' we provided peer feedback on each other’s writing. As physicists, we worked in groups to create models that explored the Moon’s movement relative to the Earth.
Autumn 2 Week 3
As musicians, we took part in the BBC National Ten Pieces Watch Party, celebrating Neil Armstrong’s historic first steps on the Moon with the accompaniment of incredible orchestral music. By working collaboratively, we delved into the history of space exploration, organising key events in chronological order. In Art, we practised various techniques to create texture using acrylic paint.
Autumn 2 Week 2
As mathematicians, we have explored money. We compared amounts of money, converted between pounds and pence and used the counting up strategy to work out change. Using a talk map, we learnt the story 'One Small Step' off by heart and sequenced our own stories to excite and engage the reader. To develop our writing further, we have explored relative clauses and modal verbs. In Art, we researched Vincent van Gogh and created information posters to share our white hat facts. To celebrate Anti-Bullying Week, we have written our own acrostic poems for respect and imagined a world where bullying didn't exist.
Autumn 2 Week 1
To launch our topic on space, we visited the Natural History Museum in London to take part in the Mission to Mars: Lego Explorers Workshop. By problem-solving and thinking interdependently, we created, coded and tested our own Martian rovers prototypes.