Spring 1
Spring 1 - Week 1:
This week we investigated haiku poetry which originated in Japan. We worked out the structure by exploring lots of different haiku, before collecting vocabulary about the moon. Once this was done, we sorted our words into a tree map according to the number of syllables they had. Then we created some of our own.
Spring 1 - Week 2:
This week we used all the exciting things we learned from our 'Sound Workshop' on Friday to our new science topic learning about sound and how we hear.
Spring 1 - Week 3:
During our DT session this week, we revisited our skills from our Y2 topic when sewing and reminded ourselves how to sew using running stitch and back stitch. We then learned a new skill of cross-stitching, all whilst using our HOMs of perseverance and finding humour when the thread kept escaping the eye of the needle! We also explored different balances during our gymnastics lesson.
Spring 1 - Week 4:
This week, some of our highlights included designing our 'Viking' and 'Anglo-Saxon' images to sew using computer software. We also got to work collaboratively to create a diamond nine in PSHE where we discussed and listed, in order of importance, the communities to which we belong.
Spring 1 - Week 4:Spring 1 - Week 5:
This week has been exciting too. We participated in the National 'Children's Mental Health Week' and used the film 'Inside Out' as inspiration to explore what makes us 'us' and unique and explored our own core values and created our own personality islands. Building on from our last music lesson, we read musical notation to begin playing 'London Bridge is Falling Down' as a team. In Maths, we used concrete, pictorial and numerical representations to explore multiplication.