Autumn 2- Week 2 Anti-bullying week
This week was anti- bullying week. We learnt what bullying is but also what it isn't. As philosophers, during P4C we used our 'Red hat' thinking and discussed how we would help the people around us if we saw they were sad or someone was being unkind to them. We wore odd socks to promote anti- bullying week and as artists and writers we created posters to show how we can treat people with respect or cheer someone up when they are sad. As writers, we segmented and blended words and used these words to create kind sentences we could say to people. On Friday, we also celebrated BBC's Children In Need. We attended the whole school collective worship to better understand what this amazing charity is and where all the donated money is spent. iFinally, as designers, we recalled all the joining techniques we have learnt over the past weeks and used these to create our own Pudsey masks which was great fun.