Autumn 1
Week 1
The children have had lots of fun settling into Year 3. Our learning this week has focused on the book 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' by David Armitage and Ronda Armitage. We visited the art room to paint our own sandwich for the Lighthouse Keeper. We also visited the cooking room to create a sandwich for the Lighthouse Keeper, which will help the children with their DT learning this half term.
Week 2
As geographers, we started our learning to help us answer our enquiry question, 'How can I identify the parts of the World?' We used our playground map to learn about the different continents and where they are located. In PE, we started our learning about hockey and understood how to effectively hold the hockey stick!
Week 3
As designers, we continued with our learning about how to create a savoury tart. This week, we learnt the claw cutting skill to help us cut our food safely. This will be really useful when we make our savoury tarts later in the term!
Week 4
As theologians, we went on a school trip to Wimbledon Synagogue to help us with our learning for this half term, all about the different symbols of religions. We have also gained lots of white hat facts to use and apply later in the year when we learn about the Jewish faith.
Week 5
Over this half term, we have been composing a song using texture and rhythm. We have composed a song to the tune of 'I love yummy pasta' and made our own all about different fruits! This week, we finalised our song using peer feedback and then performed it for each other!
Week 6
This week, we created our savoury tarts! We used the knowledge we gained in science about food groups and chose 1 diary product and 3 vegetables. We used all the skills we have learnt this half term from our DT lessons to create our final product! They were super tasty!
Week 7
This week we completed our Trailblazer topic: Lego - Let's piece this together! We learnt about the history of Lego, where it originated from and all the different Lego pieces that have been created over the years! In English, we used our learning from this half term about instructions and created an instruction manual to explain how to make a Lego structure we had designed ourselves. As our Trailblazer finale, we visited Reception to share our instruction manuals, and they had a go at building them!
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