Year 5 Learning Gallery

Autumn 1 Week 4

Using the scientific enquiry 'pattern-seeking' and our HOM 'Striving for Accuracy' with measuring, we have investigated the effects of friction. Working mathematically, we have explored both mental and written strategies for adding and subtracting tenths. As geographers, we have identified different biomes in North America. 



Autumn 1 Week 3

As writers, we have explored different word classes, including verbs and nouns.  In PE, we have been applying our past knowledge of throwing and catching to tag rugby.  Using the Music Room, we have listened to Native North American music and used drums to create a call and response. 



Autumn 1 Week 2

The children have settled well into Year 5 over the past two weeks. We discussed what it takes to be a good team player and used our HOM of Thinking Interdependently to build Lego models. 

To launch our topic, 'We're The Kids in America', we have used atlases to locate North America on a world map. As mathematicians, we have deepened our understanding of place value by exploring tenths as decimals using dienes. 



Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936