School Uniform

At Hillcross we have an agreed school uniform in order to enhance school pride, unity and community spirit.  Wearing a school uniform also reduces the chance of children making judgements about each other based on appearance.  As a member of Hillcross Primary School, all children are expected to observe this policy.

  • Please remember to label all items of your child's uniform - this includes shoes, lunch boxes and water bottles.
  • Please regularly check the uniform your child brings home - it is very easy for items of uniform to get mixed up.  If this happens, please can you bring back anything you find that isn’t your child's, and we will reunite it with its owner (who will probably have your child’s item!).

Nursery and Reception Uniform 

  • Uniform for Nursery & Reception is compulsory. We recommend the more casual option identified in the policy because the children in this phase spend the majority of their day involved active learning opportunities, inside and outside. The casual uniform option allows the children in nursery and reception to run and climb safely, as well as develop independence in dressing and undressing. However, children in Nursery and Reception may choose the more traditional uniform worn by the rest of the school or a mixture of both. Plain black trainers (velcro fastening) are the preferred option for children's footwear until they can tie their own laces/manage their own buckles.

 Branded school uniform items can be ordered through the online school uniform shop at

Please click on the link below to view the School Uniform Policy



Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936