Curriculum Information
The information below outlines the topics we will be covering in Year 1 this year.
Autumn 1 | A Change Over Time
Looking at the changes of the seasons and how schools have changed over time.
Autumn 2 Carnival of the Animals
Identifying common animals and comparing their structures (identifying the similarities and differences).
Spring 1 | A Step Back in Time
Finding out how Morden, and their local area, have changed over time.
Spring 2 | Very Victorian Values
Investigating how life changed for Victorian children after the introduction of the Factory Act in1833.
Summer 1 | Fee Fi Fo Fun
Exploring the story of Jack & the Beanstalk and identifying the parts of a plant.
Summer 2 | TBC
Our whole school topic will be chosen in the Spring Term
Please click on the tabs opposite to see our Knowledge Organisers for further information about Year 1 topic learning this year.