Team Re-organisation (Mixing-up)
Please click here for a PDF version of our Frequently Asked Questions (with blue is new updates September 2021).
At Hillcross, we re-organise team grouping as the children leave Reception and enter Year One in order to ensure they begin the year in an appropriate grouping based on their experience and performance in EYFS. Unless situations arise which result in the Headteacher deeming it is necessary to change these, the Year One groupings remain the same as the children progress through their primary education. When a team re-organisation has been decided upon, parents and children are informed when the team announcements are made at the end of term in order to promote a smooth transition and minimise any potential anxiety.
In keeping with our school ethos, we always keep the best interests of the children at the forefront of our mind when reorganising teams. To ensure there is a balance of children from all groups, consideration is given to the following:
- Children who speak English as an Additional Language (EAL). (Children within the year group are assessed as 1—new to English, 2— developing English language or 3— fluent in English.)
- Children with Special, Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) (The level of need is considered e.g. SEN concern, Support Plan or EHCP. Consideration is also given with regard to the number of children who receive a high level of support at the Support Plan stage.)
- Gender.
- Attainment. (A balance of children working above, at, towards or below ARE - Age Related Expectations. Within each of these attainment categories there will be different needs and abilities which will also be considered and taken into account.) Other statutory data is also considered e.g. EYFS Profile and KS1 data.
- Progress. (A balance of children who have typically made accelerated, expected or below expected progress. Where deemed relevant, this is considered across previous years.
- Consideration of team dynamics. (This includes consideration of individual and group behaviours, emotional well-being, mental health awareness, parental involvement and any other factor that impacts team groupings. In EYFS, levels of involvement and well-being are also considered.)
- Term of birth. (A balance of children born in the autumn, spring and summer.)
- Pupil Premium—including children who are eligible for free school meals and ‘Ever Six’ children (who are not currently eligible for free school meals but have been in the past six years).
- Vulnerable or Children who are looked after (CLA) - including those who have social services involvement.
Discussions with all current year group staff, including support staff, take place to ensure a fair and balanced split of children across the team grouping.